Senin, 16 September 2019


This group consist of dea eka, hana and  m. Haekal

This link for powerpoint!825&parId=ff00a30c372945b7!103&app=PowerPoint

Oepning song
indonesia tanah kelahiranku
yang indah permai kebanggaanku
disini ku berdiri
ikrarkan janji olehmu negeriku
suci nan abadi

negeriku jayalah bangsaku slalu
engkaulah yang kucinta
segenggam harapan sejuta mimpi
ingin ku abdikan padamu negriku

adil makmur untukmu indonesia
jayalah negriku bangkitlah bangsaku
angkatlah panjimu satukalah mimpimu
yang tak akan padam menggapai cita
adil dan makmur sejahtera indonesia

jayalah negriku bangkitlah bangsaku
angkatlah panjimu satukalah mimpimu
yang tak akan padam menggapai cita
adil dan makmur sejahtera indonesia

jayalah negriku bangkitlah bangsaku
angkatlah panjimu satukalah mimpimu
yang tak akan padam menggapai cita
adil dan makmur sejahtera indonesia


Jalan-jalan ke tanah Deli
sungguh indah tempat tamasya
kawan jangan bersedih
mari nyanyi bersama-sama

Kalau pergi ke Surabaya
naik perahu dayung sendiri
kalau hatimu sedih
yang rugi diri sendiri

Injit-injit semut
siapa sakit naik diatas
Injit-injit semut
walau sakit jangan dilepas

Naik perahu ke Pulau Seribu
sungguh hin
sungguh malang nasibku
punya pacar diambil orang

Ramai sungguh bandar Jakarta
tempat orang mengikat janji
walau pacar tak punya
hati senang dapat bernyanyi

Injit-injit semut
siapa sakit naik diatas
Injit-injit semut
walau sakit jangan dilepas

News : 
Kpai faces online Backlash After bp djarum halts audition
Hateful comments have flooded the official social media accounts of the Child Protection Commission (KPAI) following the announcement by PB Djarum, Indonesia’s leading badminton club, that it would not run its general badminton audition next year.
The latest Instagram post on KPAI’s account @KPAI_Official, which shows KPAI executives meeting with heads of regional education agencies in a hotel in Jakarta, was inundated with more than 4,000 comments as of Monday morning, most of them complaints about the  audition suspension.
Most of the comments demanded that the KPAI not interfere with PB Djarum’s efforts to scout new badminton talent, and to focus instead on other issues affecting children’s welfare, such as eradicating non-educational television programs.

Dialogue about how to offering help/services to someone
Dr.nahda : Hello...
Fafa : hello,doctor.
Dr.nahda : you look terrible. What can i do for you?
Fafa : i can’t go to school today.
Dr.nahda : oh, i am sorry to shear that. What’s the problem?
Fafa : my stomach hurta terribly. I think i have a fever as well
Dr.nahd : okay,let me check your stomach. (The doctor puta the stethoscope in fafa’s belly and strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here?
Fafa: not that one
Dr.nahda : here?
Fafa : yes, that’s really terrible.
Dr.nahda : alright then, i’II give you a prescriprion. You have to take the pills three times a day okay?
Fafa :  okay doctor.
Dr.nahda : good. Get well soon,fafa. Bye
Fafa: thanks a lot. Bye, doctor.

Pattern To offering help/services
There are several patterns to form a sentence for offering help/service.
1.May I + (action)?
For example:
May I help you?
 May I bring your luggage to your room?
2. Would you like me to + (action)?
For example:
Would you like me to heat the food?
Would you like me to prepare a cup of tWoul
Would you like me to bring your breakfast to your room?
Both patterns are very polite and often used in a business setting or for people working in tourism industry. Other patterns below are not as polite as the two patterns above.

3. Can I + (action)?

For example:
Can I help you?-
Can I open theexampl

 4. Do you want me + (action)?
 Do you want me to buy coffee for you?
 Do you want me to include your name on the list?
 Do you want me to reserve the hotel for you?

Possible responses for offering help/service
The most common and polite way to accept an offer is by using 'would' or what is also known as conditional.
Examples for accepting help:
Thank you. That would be really helpful.-
Yes, that would be great!
Thank you. I would appreciate it.
Examples for rejecting offer:
It's okay, thank you. I can manage.
Thanks but don't worry, I can do it.

I appreciate it but don't worry, I'm about to do it.

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