Senin, 18 November 2019



They are Fathan, Arshanda, and Dominica. Their opening song is Sepasang Mata Bola.
Sepasang Mata Bola
Cipt. Ismail Marzuki
Hampir malam di Jogya
Ketika keretaku tiba
Remang remang cuaca
Terkejut aku tiba tiba
Dua mata memandang
Seolah dia berkata kata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Dari pada sang angkara murka
Sepasang mata bola
Dari balik jendela
Datang dari Jakarta
Menuju medan perwira
Kagumku melihatnya
Sinar sang perwira rela
Pergilah pahlawanku
Jangan bimbang ragu
Bersama doaku
Dua mata memandang
Seolah dia berkata kata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Dari pada sang angkara murka

    Still, their presentation is about procedure text. Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.
We do the exercise on English book on page 134.
Vocabulary Exercise
1. Dina has bought a more unique cage for the newly-hatched birds.
2. Throughout the experiment, the students have to ensure that the temperature is relatively the same from time to time.
3. The family intend to breed a new species of leopard geckos.
4. The neighbors finally decided to separate their areas by using fences.
5. Salamanders are oviparous and lay large eggs in clumps  in water.
6. It seems to take about twenty days for this egg to hatch.
7. On the lid of the plastic container is a wooden sculpture of  an animal.
8. The animals have to be separated because the male one shows much aggression.
And here is the synopsys from the short movie called Mom - A Mother, Missing Home
Synopsys: In Korean, “wedding” has the meaning of “going husband’s house”. In other words, “leaving her home”. This is a story about a woman, who was a baby, daughter, lady, wife, and mom.

And finally they closing the presentation with a song titled “Cik Cik Periuk”

Lirik asli dalam bahasa Melayu SambasTerjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia
Cik cik periuk belanga' sumping dari Jawe
Datang nek kecibok bawa' kepiting dua' ekok
Cik cik periuk, panci sumbing dari Jawa
Datang nenek kecibok membawa kepiting dua ekor
Cik cik periuk belanga' sumping dari Jawe
Datang nek kecibok bawa' kepiting dua' ekok
Cik cik periuk, panci sumbing dari Jawa
Datang nenek kecibok membawa kepiting dua ekor
Cak cak bur dalam belanga', idong picak gigi rongak
Sape ketawa' dolok dipancung raje tunggal, hei!
Diceburkan ke dalam panci, hidung pesek gigi ompong
Siapa tertawa duluan dipancung raja tunggal, hei!

Arshanda and Dominica are quite shy and barely talk to others, while Fathan are extremely the opposite to them.  He is like the most talkative person among those three. But personally, i like the combination of them. The way they trying hard to convince us to explain and sort things out for us. I hope Arshanda and Dominica would be more talkative and step by step, they could have more interaction with the other classmates.

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